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It well known that the Earlier detection,the Better Survival Rate, so it is better for you to understand the feature of BBES:
•Inherent cost effective for , less than 1/2 of the medicaid cost of MAM or BUS in China
•Minimal training required for operation of the portable device.
•Painless and radiation free without any side effect.
•Quite sensitive in detecting small solid tumors. Probe mounted with pressure sensor array is more sensitive than clinical breast examination by physician and can detect in real time lesions as small as 2 mm.
•Good specific in identifying breast cancer with less unnecessary referrals for additional exam, eg. Biopsy.
•Gateway screening modality for women at any age, regardless of breast density, ethnicity, pregnancy, breastfeeding session.
•Individual electronic health records and health management with support of consultant online.
•Elasticity of lesion is measured to differentiate benign and malignant lesions, or different kind of benign lesions. And more parameter of lump, like size, shape, mobility, consistency, can be provided.