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Cancer is preventable and treatable,you can take action “1,2,3”to manage your health.
Cancer control can be achieved through primary, secondary and tertiary prevention.
①Primary prevention is a set of interventions that keeps a cancerous process from ever developing, such as lifestyle changes, health counseling and education, environmental controls etc. A research from China indicated that regional adoption of effective primary cancer prevention strategies has a vast potential to reduce the burden of cancer.
②Secondary prevention is a set of interventions leading to the discovery and control of cancerous or precancerous processes while localized, i.e., screening, early detection, and effective treatment. According to the American Cancer Society, when breast cancer is detected early and is in the localized stage, the 5-year relative survival rate is 99%.
③Tertiary prevention is a set of interventions that keep an already diagnosed person to be physically and mentally healthy, and try to early detect secondary malignancies.
Risk is lifelong for all, though it may vary in intensity among different groups. Jointly, primary, secondary and tertiary prevention must be synthesized into optimum life time strategies.
All in all, you can be yourself on your own breast health by understanding these concepts.
◎Wanqing Chen, Jie He. Disparities by province, age, and sex in site-specific cancer burden attributable to 23 potentially modifiable risk factors in China: a comparative risk assessment. Lancet Glob Health 2019; 7:e257